Monday, July 2, 2018

Brief Lessons from Being a CEO in the Cryptocurrency Space

Professionally, I've been in the space since 2013 and almost all of that experience has been in some form of a leadership role (usually the CEO or director of something). After some reflections- thanks to my many long haul flights crossing either the Atlantic or the Pacific oceans-  I've decided to write down some thoughts on lessons I've learned.

The cryptocurrency space is an unusual animal in that it's not entirely a field of technology adhering to some leadership variant of a silicon valley startup or an established research group like DARPA. Rather it's an aggregation of a political movement, disgust of current systems, academic research, frustration over middlemen of necessity, a religion with cyperpunk roots, and a series of open source projects- I probably missed a few others.

Thus, one is left with contradictory leadership demands. For example, research is a slow, methodical process often laced with regressions and many alternative threads subject to strong opinions by brilliant, but somewhat difficult, people. Whereas the political and quasi-religious elements of the space demand sweeping statements, adherence to strict principles and a more emotional side that can sometimes bend facts in strange directions.

It's utterly unsatisfying to say it depends or suggest that decentralization might not be the best solution. One has to wrap this up in prose, obfuscated arguments or some other method (from Bitcoin to Burning Man is one such example). Yet, in practice, we all seem to converge to this pragmatism when building products and protocols. It's seldom said, but always felt that a large percentage of all cryptocurrency is held by third parties at exchanges or cloud wallets.

The point of our movement has been to develop better tools to identify when and how we can remove middlemen we don't want; not to blindly kill all middlemen for the sake of killing them. Centralization or federation can dramatically reduce costs, improve efficiency and sometimes is necessary to improve privacy.

For example, Lastpass provides a great solution for me to manage my many, many password, but doesn't actually have access to my passwords. I'm sure such a solution could be decentralized, but I don't see a point. Replicating an encrypted dataset, which I could already store locally anyway doesn't improve my security. It just seems to drive up costs and reduce user experience.

And frankly there are hundreds more examples. Abstracting my point, it's not about decentralization; it's about control. People want more control over their data, identity, reputation, assets and commercial relationships. Decentralization is a tool that can be used- with other tools- to achieve these ends, but isn't an end in itself.

The political side of our movement touches a different thread that gets conflated in the discussion. There are many whom hold libertarian or anarchist philosophies. They view this technology as a way of fundamentally restructuring society. Yes control over data, money and identity being decentralized is nice, but the point is these things are stepping stones in gradually reducing the relevance and power in institutions these factions see as immoral or even dangerous.

This philosophy has nothing to do with running an open source project. This philosophy has nothing to do with building more resilient and better customer experiences for consumers of digital products and services, but it's bundled into the movement itself and the business requirements of many of the cryptocurrencies.

Therein lies the conflict we are facing in this space. CEOs are forced to either pick a side or wear masks as they travel from crowd to crowd. Either you're a decentralize everything fanatic or a blockchain advocate who's here for the technology. Or you publicly moderate with some winks and a I feel your pain smile.

I cannot see such things being sustainable long term. Protocols being biased to political ends seldom has a good outcome. It's almost a design by political committee. We've already seen the impact with Bitcoin's evolution where very sensible proposals couldn't gain traction and very sensible people were demonized, silenced or even driven out of the space.

Furthermore, this statement might surprise some, but it turns out that many of the brightest minds in the world disagree with the decentralize everything movement. They don't share libertarian or anarchistic ideology. Should we be so quick to dismiss their contributions with such zeal because they aren't in the club?

During my tenure as the CEO of IOHK, I've been fortunate enough to carve out a fairly diverse enclave of thought. Some of our employees are hardcore socialists. Some are conservatives. Some, like myself, are libertarians. But we share common goals in trying to understand the problems our space can actually solve.

A particular thread has been our quest to develop sustainable, secure and incentives reasonable proof of stake protocols. This effort has now spanned millions of dollars, a half dozen papers, peer review at Crypto, EuroCrypt and other venues as well as collaboration from people at more than ten institutions.

As one could imagine, there is a massive difference of opinion on where and how such a protocol ought to be deployed. Even the Hyperledger Fabric guys want to get a piece of the project. Yet the common goals are clear and non-philosophical. We have a series of real attacks that have been discovered by engineers, researchers and those who study incentives that need to be addressed from nothing at stake to the honest majority problem.

Questions like what incentive does one have to be in the honest majority and how should slot leader selection be decided are meta to the underlying model. They are specific to the deployment of the protocol and the realities of the users of the protocol. The team deploying the protocol has to make a choice that will ultimately determine the level of centralization and the economics of the system.

The point is that such things ought to be explicitly discussed. They shouldn't be embedded within the underlying design of the protocol and silently accepted by those who adopt it. It's perfectly ok to say we are ruled by a plutocracy if the users of the protocol accept that structure. It's not ok to say your protocol is decentralized, but then economic realities provide all but the richest and best connected from participating.

Thus my first major lesson has been to try to extract the politics and philosophy from the objectively scientific and engineering problems and then be honest about choices we have made in our particular deployments. I wish more projects and their leadership would be honest here. 500,000 transactions per second is not a revolutionary new capability. It's either an artifact of deceptive marketing or architectural choices leading to massive centralization and trust.

Second, I've learned that it's extremely important to clearly understand relationships and commitments as early as possible. The nature of our space is that we are scattered throughout the planet. Modern communication tools are incredibly good at keeping us all connected and informed, but they are useless for promoting empathy, building real relationships or proactively communicating implicit concerns.

With Ethereum, I spent a huge amount of time worrying about the legal structure and how the project was going to be lawfully funded. Only a handful of people were directly involved in this effort out of commonsense and expertise. This meant that I only interacted with a handful of the hundreds of people involved with the project on a daily basis. The rest had to just assume I was doing stuff and hope it was for the best. In the absence of communication, opinion and speculation dominated yielding the aftermath many today are all to familiar with.

With IOHK, I invested much more time in simply building relationships with the people I work with directly or indirectly. This includes traveling throughout the world to see my employees in person. Sometimes a beer and a good conversation is all that is needed to build common ground and empathy. It seems simple, but it's so powerful and undervalued.

We also clearly define the roles and relationships for each new member of the team. It's a huge overhead for HR and line managers, but it resolves tons of issues before they even exist. Yet this model does not work for open source development. One cannot ask an engineer independently fixing an issue listed on GitHub to sign an NCA, NDA and report to a line manager.

The point of open source development is to move forward with both professionals and volunteers. Many of the most successful projects are completely built and maintained by unpaid volunteers. When a traditional open source project forks, it's usually a cultural, technological or philosophical difference (Robles and Barahona even wrote a paper about it). But what happens when one introduces concepts like tokens, premines and ICOs? Incentives and relationships change.

Investors of cryptocurrencies are addicted to the prospect of strong, centralized and reliable management of the development of the protocol as it has the potential to yield the greatest returns, but this management style is at odds with the point of cryptocurrencies, which ultimately require governance by the many and in the open to be sustainable.

Furthermore, the existence of premines, ICO funds and other stores of value create a goldrush of crypto-lamprey fish seeking to attach themselves to a project to extract tokens rather than make contributions. Add some demagoguery and buzzword salad and you have your standard crypto-evangelist.

These actors bring me to my third lesson. Conflict, pain and principles are a prerequisite to success. I learned this most directly with the Ethereum Classic (ETC) project. To me, ETC is Ethereum. The original social contract was that we were proposing the world's most expensive and inefficient computer in exchange for absolute certainty that the code deployed wouldn't be modified due to outcome on some group whether it be a company or government.

Suddenly the DAO hack occurs and the social contract was changed to well it will run as written except this time because it's just too painful to this particular group. Nevermind that group blindly gave $150 million dollars to an unaudited smart contract with no checks and balances. Nevermind the lack of consumer protection put into the offering- likely due to a crude attempt to evade regulation.

People made a poor choice. The point of cryptocurrencies is to let people make poor choices and to force them to accept the consequences of their actions. This clearly is no longer the point of Ethereum. So those that wanted to keep it that way created ETC.

During the early days, there was tons of chaos. Some of the more colorful community members even attempted to hijack ETC for some purpose or another. But yet, the community stuck to its principles and now has stabilized around a very decentralized group of leaders. No one is in control. Reasonable software is being maintained. ETC just keeps living.

The value of ETC is no longer about carrying out the mission of Ethereum. It now seems to be a sandbox to figure out how to move forward without anyone having a mandate to do so. Unlike Bitcoin, there isn't a 100 billion dollars to protect nor thousands of companies pulling in different directions. Rather it looks much more like a normal open source project.

There was a lot of conflict and pain in getting to this state, but it was achieved only by keeping with a set of principles. Maybe they are too harsh for normal people. Maybe they won't allow the protocol to grow beyond a certain critical mass. Ultimately the market will decide, yet that doesn't make ETC any less meaningful as a project to the people who use it.

This last point I feel is the most valuable our space has demonstrated. Ultimately cryptocurrencies are composed of people who agree to something. While these agreements might be entombed in code and protected by clever mathematics, they are used by people.

People decided that the original vision of Ethereum made sense to keep alive and thus we have ETC. People can just as easily abandon it as they have hundreds of failed projects. A good leader in this space has the ability to rally people to a common cause and give them the tools to decide what to do about it. A bad leader tries to inflict his personal view on the masses for their greater good.

In a way, I think this gives some justification to the enormous market capitalization we are seeing alongside the cult like enthusiasm. From a practical sense nothing has been produced by Bitcoin or any other project to justify a cumulative valuation greater than some of the world's largest companies and even countries. From a social view, how much is the freedom to re-imagine the entire fabric of the world's marketplaces worth?

Money and governments are artifacts of promises and future commitments. They don't actually exist, but the belief in their power is what actually gives them power. It seems the belief that Bitcoin is worth a 100 billion dollars or that one social contract is superior to another is all that is really needed to actually realize it.

Thus to all future leaders of our space, I'd like to say separate your objective from subjective, clarify relationships as well as understand conflicts of interest and stick to your principles even in the face of conflict. And try to have fun while riding the roller coaster, it's sure to be an exciting journey.




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  2. "And try to have fun while riding the roller coaster"

    the best.

  3. Thanks for your usual, a great read....

  4. Wow, really powerful...some deep dive water. The internal churn is palpable. Walked the tightrope between hackneyed and pedantic.

  5. "From a social view, how much is the freedom to re-imagine the entire fabric of the world's marketplaces worth?" This is a great statement and the true product of the blockchain revolution.

  6. Whenever I read your article or watch your video, it is difficult to understand but I have a deep resonance.

  7. I fully agree that it's to be an exciting journey.

  8. One of the best pieces I ever read about the state of cryptocurrency today.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Is Cardano's governance system a plutocracy?

  11. Awesome summary of where cryptocurrency is at the moment.

    Keep up the great work, the cream always rises to the top... Eventually

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  67. Password is the main source that helps in protecting your account from unwanted troubles. If your password is not working and need to be reset , you can always take guidance from the team of elite professionals who are there to handle all your worries. You can always call on Etherwallet toll-free number which is always active and the team helps you at every step so that you don’t get any problem in implementing the right solution in minimal time. Protect your account by keeping a strong password and keep it confidential and make sure to change the password often because of security reasons. Etherwallet Helpline Number

  68. Are you having trouble in receiving bitcoin from other wallets to Etherwallet wallet or vice versa? Etherwallet has its own wallet service to users who can store and keep coins and funds. In case, you are unable to receive bitcoin, the popular cryptocurrency from other wallets to the Etherwallet exchange, you can always take help from the team of elite professionals who are there to support you. You can always call on Etherwallet support number which is functional all the time guidance from the roots. Connect with the team for verified results and get quality solutions. Etherwallet Support Number

  69. Are you unable to create the Binance account as you are unaware of the execution process ? Surrounded by such errors are quite hard to deal with , therefore, if you have made mind to open an account on the exchange , you can always take guidance from the team of elite professionals who have knowledge and can handle all glitches. You can call on Binance helpdesk number which is always functional and the team is always ready to handle all troubles in no time. Connect with the team to avail beautiful remedies and get quality results immediately. Binance helpdesk number

  70. When it comes to security, Binance has two-factor authentication feature that secure the account from hacking attempts and phishing attacks. If Binance two-factor authentication not working properly, it could be a sign of trouble for users, to end this error from the roots, you can always have conversation with the team members who are there to handle all your troubles. You can always call on Binance helpline number which is functional and the team is ready to assist you at every step. Connect with the team for gaining quality-oriented remedies that are easy to execute.Binance Support Number

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  72. Are you finding issues while creating the Etherwallet exchange account? If you don’t want to be in a difficult situation and want to execute hassle-free process, you can always have conversation with the team of elite experts who are always there to handle all your issues. You can always call on Etherwallet helpdesk number which is always active and the team is always there to assist at every step. You can always connect with the team for attainable solutions. Connect with them anytime to get quality-driven solution. Etherwallet Helpline Number

  73. Some users face errors like unable to fill the correct information or executing the right process while creating the Myetherwallet account. If you are surrounded by any of these errors while creating an account, you can always contact the team via calling on Myetherwallet support number which is always functional and the team is ready to provide every solution in brief for better understanding . You can contact with them to discuss your query so that they can provide you the best solution which is easy to execute and the best way to get rid of problems. Myetherwallet Support Phone Number

  74. Some users face errors like unable to fill the correct information or executing the right process while creating the Myetherwallet account. If you are surrounded by any of these errors while creating an account, you can always contact the team via calling on Myetherwallet support number which is always functional and the team is ready to provide every solution in brief for better understanding . You can contact with them to discuss your query so that they can provide you the best solution which is easy to execute and the best way to get rid of problems. Myetherwallet Support Phone Number

  75. Having trouble in sending cryptocurrency from the Binance wallet application to another wallet or vice versa? Chances are there that this error could be a result of any technical issue. If you don’t know how to fix all this situation and provide the best solution, you can always take help from the team of elite members who is working 24/7 and always ready to provide support. You can connect with them over Binance support number and have solutions related to all queries immediately from the roots. Talk to the team whenever you need them and avail profitable solutions. Binance Support Number

  76. Having trouble in sending cryptocurrency from the Binance wallet application to another wallet or vice versa? Chances are there that this error could be a result of any technical issue. If you don’t know how to fix all this situation and provide the best solution, you can always take help from the team of elite members who is working 24/7 and always ready to provide support. You can connect with them over Binance support number and have solutions related to all queries immediately from the roots. Talk to the team whenever you need them and avail profitable solutions. Binance Support Number

  77. A great piece that sheds much needed light on some of the great theoretical/ideological debates in the contemporary crypto space. At CleanApp Foundation, we appreciate the emphasis on pragmatism, and emphasis on Blockchain/DTL/Crypto projects that offer real social utility. Looking forward to engaging more with your crew!

  78. A great piece that sheds much needed light on some of the great theoretical/ideological debates in the contemporary crypto space. At CleanApp Foundation, we appreciate the emphasis on pragmatism, and emphasis on Blockchain/DTL/Crypto projects that offer real social utility. Looking forward to engaging more with your crew!

  79. A great piece that sheds much needed light on some of the great theoretical/ideological debates in the contemporary crypto space. At CleanApp Foundation, we appreciate the emphasis on pragmatism, and emphasis on Blockchain/DTL/Crypto projects that offer real social utility. Looking forward to engaging more with your crew!

  80. A great piece that sheds much needed light on some of the great theoretical/ideological debates in the contemporary crypto space. At CleanApp Foundation, we appreciate the emphasis on pragmatism, and emphasis on Blockchain/DTL/Crypto projects that offer real social utility. Looking forward to engaging more with your crew!

  81. Bitcoin is popular cryptocurrency on the Binance platform, only exchange that serves the best Binance services to its users. If you are encountering the trouble while trading , you can always take assistance from the team of elite experts who is always there to guide you. Feel free to dial Binance phone number which is functional all the time for guidance and get the desired process from the team members who knock tricks to deal with queries. You can easily come out from all these Binance errors, you can ask for advice from the team members who are ready to guide you. Call them anytime to get solutions which are suitable to all your existing troubles. Binance Phone Number

  82. Cash App exchange is popular worldwide for its excellent trading platform and with passing days, the exchange is coming with new features to attract users worldwide. Be the part of this popular exchange who provides unlimited benefits that include low reduced fees, access to 90 coins and available worldwide. To know how to join this platform, you can always call on Cash App support number which is functional all the time for guidance. You can contact them anytime to deal with your troubles and get numerous remedies. Cash Support Number

  83. Bitcoin being the popular coin in the crypto industry is used by traders for trading. Despite many ups and downs, it is still in demand in industry, therefore, if you are unable to carry forward the bitcoin transactions and need assistance, you can take help from the team of skilled professionals who are there to guide you every step. You can call on Blockchain customer support number to have answers to your queries at free and at your comfort zone. Talk to the team members for gaining remedies to look after all troubles in fraction of time. Blockchain Support Number

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